Monday, January 17, 2011

Tuesday January 18

"Many of the Samaritans from that town believed in him because of the woman's testimony, "He told me everything I ever did."

John 4:39

When I picture someone telling me everything I ever did, I sort of cringe. I feel exposed, embarrassed, harassed just thinking about it. The last thing I can imagine ever doing is telling other people about it. But that is precisely what this woman did.

It makes me wonder how Jesus really was. There was something about him. He could say the most difficult things (like you have had five husbands and you are currently sleeping with someone else entirely) and have it come across in love. There is no doubt that this woman by the well felt the love of God. Not only did it change her, but it affected her to the extent that she felt compelled to tell everyone else about it.

It has been pointed out to me that this woman went to get water in the heat of the day (v. 6) because she was trying to avoid others. Being so promiscuous, it would only make sense that other women would disdain her. This woman by her sinful behavior was winning no popularity contests in this village. And yet, after meeting Jesus she tells everyone she meets about him. It's a total personality transformation - from worthless to worthy...

That's what being known can do. That's what Jesus offers you and me. Are you ready to be exposed?

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