Thursday, September 30, 2010
Friday Week 3
Thursday Week 3
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
wednesday Week 3
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Tuesday Week 3
Monday, September 27, 2010
Monday Week 3
Friday, September 17, 2010
Friday Week 1
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Friday Week 2
Monday, September 13, 2010
Tuesday Week 2
Thursday Week 2
Monday Week 2
Nine years ago, the Lord was taking my life down a new road. I was experiencing brokenness like I had not experienced before and through it all, I was asking, or maybe even begging God to show me what His purposes were behind it. Incidentally, I was working with a professional career coach and author who had been telling me for about a year that my passion for youth, worship and ministry might be God's way of saying "this is what you were made for." Perhaps I was missing my calling as they say. On November 4th 2000, I was processing all that was going on in my life and praying when finally the feeling began to settle in that God could be calling me to into full-time ministry. I had been told this for years and frankly wasn't interested. That was reserved for people who had life dialed in, figured out...and certainly were closer to Christ than I felt.
We gathered folks to pray then, especially many Pastors I had relationships with through my professional work with the Boy Scouts of America. These Pastors became a "multitude of counselors" for me...which the Bible tells us to seek more or less. They began asking me tough questions. One that will always ring in my mind, even as I counsel others, "what does God break your heart over?" For me, that was the easiest question I've ever answered. My wife and I knew instantly- teenagers.
The question goes to you: What does God break your heart over?