Sunday, September 5, 2010

Monday Week 1

Jesus does not want you to be like him. As if it was even get it out of your head. Stop it. Seriously, stop trying.

Think about it. Jesus never tried to be somebody he wasn't. Why would he want you to be?

So what does he want? Well, you. He wants you to be you. But here's the twisted crazy thing: you can't be you without Jesus. You only get to you when you get close to him...when he's so close to you, he takes up residence in your heart.


  1. Now, in terms of content, are you going to show how your ideas jibe with Romans 8:29, 2 Corinthians 3:18, etc?

    I could see how you might make them fit together. But since there are different ways to try to make them fit, and since some ways might or might not convince us that you're onto something true and right, it could be good to have one nugget address these verses. What do you think?

  2. Thanks for letting me post your comment!

    Could it be that it is like the way old couples begin to take on each other's characteristics? so much so they begin to even resemble one another! perhaps it is from eating the same diet for so many years...hmmmm....something to consider, eh?
