Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Thursday January 6

I have followed too much the devices and desires of my own heart.

“It seemed like the right decision. It seemed like the only decision. It

seemed like what I needed to do. In the end, I wanted to do it and chose to do it,

even if I had mixed feelings. It seemed like the thing that everybody was

suggesting I do. It seemed like I had no options. Yet I realize now that I was

following too much the devices and desires of my own heart, and not listening to

God’s voice.” You can confess to God all the excuses and ‘reasons’ that were

once used to convince yourself that it was OK to do something that is wrong.



I have offended against your holy law.

Which laws of God have you offended? Think about the will of God that

calls us to love the helpless, to be faithful to those in our care, to protect life, and

especially to protect innocent, helpless persons. A gestating child is the most

helpless and most dependent human being of all. God’s holy law defines what

love looks like, because God is love. How did you offend against the call of love?

For help in seeing clearly, look at these Bible passages: Romans 13:9–10; Isaiah




I have left undone those things which I ought to have done, and I have done those

things which I ought not to have done. And there is no health in me.

The General Confession leads you to take seriously what is wrong – but

not so you wallow in feeling bad. By becoming deeply honest, you see your need

for help, and can receive the mercy and help you actually need. These are heavy,

serious words. These words have gravity. Feel their weight. But they are a door

that opens wide to the one who is your help and hope. Personal honesty before

God is the path to the most wonderful release. You will be washed clean, your

burdens removed. You will be filled with thankfulness, even thankful tears.



But you, O Lord, have mercy upon me, miserable offender. Spare me, O God, I

who confess my faults. Restore me when I turn to you according to your promises

that you have declared to me in Christ Jesus, my Lord.

A Liturgy of Confession by David Powlison

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