Thursday, January 12, 2012


There came a man who was sent from God; his name was John. He came as a witness to testify concerning that light, so that through him all men might believe.

John 1:6-7

Two things intrigue me in these verses:

The first, that God would send a person to attest to the person God was sending. John was the herald. The horn as the engine approached the intersection. It was the warning and the announcement. It's what good advertisers do. It intrigues me God would consider it as an integral piece of the plan.

And now that Jesus has ascended and is returning. We are now the John's. The heralds. Called to attest to the one who is returning.

The second intriguing thing is that John was to be a "witness". This is a strange thing to call somebody who comes before the fact. How do you witness to something that hasn't yet come? I don't have a great answer to that. Other than his witness was to testify to "that light", which we learned earlier was been around since the beginning - so if that's the case, he could certainly bear witness. Everyone could.

And so, now to us, what are we waiting for? We have plenty to witness about don't we?

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