Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God - children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband's will, but born of God. 

John 1:12-13

To who received him. To those who believed in his name. There's something that rubs us the wrong way about this. Receiving. Believing. They seem so passive. They seem too simple. How could God allow such an "easy" thing be the determinant for a soul's destiny?

I don't know if I have a satisfactory answer for this...there's this: based on all other determinants, we fail. That is the reality of our hearts. That is the reality of sin. We are unqualified, undeserving, and without hope.

Then, there's this: what did you do to become the child of your parents? If you have children, what did they do to become your children? Nothing. They were made. Two became one. And the miracle happened.

This is the nature of God. The beginning. The right. Is a Gift. If we are to be his children, it can't be otherwise. All the child must do is accept the reality.

Think of a child's faith. My children believe I am their daddy. Yes, I am. But think about how much of that reality they have to take by faith. They don't remember the delivery. They don't remember when my wife and I brought them home to the house. They have to receive this reality by faith.

Sure, they could demand a DNA test, but even then - they are putting their faith in something (science) to prove to them what they have inherently have believed for themselves.

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