Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Yesterday, I mentioned a zinger, but I failed, in my opinion, get the zinger across. I'm going to try again:

No one has ever seen God, but God the One and Only, who is at the Father's side, has made him known.

John 1:18

Up to verse eighteen, John has used several descriptions for Jesus.

v1: Jesus is "the Word."
v1: Jesus is "God"
v2: Jesus was "with God" in the beginning.
v3: Jesus made all things
v4: Jesus is "life"
v4: Jesus is "the light"
v5: Jesus overcomes darkness
v9: Jesus is the "true light"
v9: Jesus gives light to humanity
v14: Jesus (God) became flesh.
v14: Jesus lived among us
v14: Jesus is full of "glory"
v14: Jesus is full of "grace"
v14: Jesus is full of "truth"
v16: Jesus gives us "one blessing after another"

All of that was in Jesus Christ. God took 100% of Himself and packed it in the body of the man Jesus. And so, the God, who before this moment could not be known or understood, now has become known though many will not understand it. But those who do - those who comprehend, who believe and receive, this tremendous glorious act of love and generosity form the Father - they will be given this greatest of gifts: to become a child of God themselves!

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