Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Friday Week 2

John 5 records an encounter that Jesus had with a lame man who was sitting by this "healing pool." Turns out this man had been an invalid for 38 years. When Jesus learns this, he asks the man: "Do you want to get well?"

At first, the question seems pretty dumb. Of course he wants to get well. Of course we want to get well. Don't we? The thing is, and I think Jesus knows this, once this man gets well that's really the beginning of a whole new set of problems.

All of the sudden he's going to need a place to sleep, a way to make money, and get food. What skills does he have? He's been out of commission for 38 years! What kind of work could he qualify for?

These were not problems before he was healed. Jesus knew this. Maybe that's why he asked him if he wanted to get well. In other words, "Are you willing to accept the burdens that this healing is going to place on your shoulders?"

As it turns out, the man doesn't handle his healing so well. He basically turns Jesus in because he is afraid of getting in trouble with the temple officials.

The bottom line, be careful what you ask for. Perhaps all those prayers you have been praying for deliverance and healing are not really what you want. Perhaps a prayer for wholeness, intimacy with him, even in the midst of your brokenness, will bring about a better result than a prayer for the pieces of your life to be put back together.

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